Data on 318 Chinese manufacturing firms over 10 years show a horizontal S - shaped relationship between internationalization and firm performance. At high and low levels of internationalization, the extent of internationalization is negatively associated with firm performance, while at moderate level of internationalization, greater internationalization is accompanied by higher performance. Product diversification is negatively moderating the relationship between internationalization and performance. As product diversification increa- ses, the relationship between internationalization and performance is changing from horizontal S - shaped curve in low diversified firms to U - shaped curve in moderately diversified firms and eventually to horizontal line in highly diversified firms. The initial stage of the S - shaped curve of internationalization and performance declines tremendously in Chinese manufacturing firms as a whole, therefore it is by no means easy for Chinese firms' internationalization. Our findings do suggest that managers need to take a long - term view of in- ternationalization and give commitment to internationalization.