Laminar flame speed, ignition delay time, chemical characteristic time and pollution emission of CH4/O2/H20 in typical gas turbine condition were calculated by Chemkin-Pro. A detailed reaction mechanism GRI- Mech 3.0, which includes 53 species and 325 elemental reactions were used. The following conclusions are drawn: with CO2 capture system, the 02 concentration in exhaust gas is reduced 50% while the equivalence ratio increases by only 2%; the experiential rules for auto-ignition of CH4 and air mixture are also suitable for CH4/O2/H20; when the 02 volume fraction in mixture CH4/O2/H20 remains about 26%--27%, flashback, blow-off and temperature charac-teristic at outlet of oxy-fuel combustion combustor are nearly the same as those of CH4/air gas turbine, and then the modification of original combustor is the least.