Environmental explanation models (EEMs) of oxygen isotopic records from lacustrine authigenic carbonates ( δ18Oc) proposed by the previous researchers, are reviewed. The paper points out the limi-tations of every EEM. Influencing mechanism of atmospheric temperature on δ18Oc, the effect of lake wa-ter temperature difference on inorganic and ostracode carbonates δ18Oc, the correlation of 81S0c with lake water level, δ18Ocof precipitation and salinity of lake water, the separation of primary and secondary car-bonate minerals, evaluation of δ18Oc difference between different carbonate is minerals, δ18O testing of signal mineral, the effect of sample preparation on δ18Oc, and the non-equilibrium effect as precipitating should be paid much attention to for the climatic or environmental interpretation of δ18Oc records