对生长于古尔班通古特沙漠东南边缘的梭梭和白梭梭两种植物的小枝与灌丛雾凇量进行了观测,并结合植被调查估算这两种植物对群落雾凇量的贡献量,探讨群落雾凇量与气象要素之间的关系.研究结果表明:在小枝水平上,白梭梭雾凇量是梭梭的1.5倍,但是在灌丛和群落尺度上,梭梭却是白梭梭的1.5和3.6倍.小枝粗细及其生长位置、灌丛形态结构和相对种群密度的差别共同造成两种植物雾淞量不同水平的差异.积雪、低风速、逆温和高湿是形成雾凇的最主要原因,日最高气温(Tma)与群落雾凇量(Rime)相关性最显著,它与日最小比湿(qmi)组成的二元线性方程可以解释Rime 98.50%的变异.在观测期,当Tma〉-11.48℃时,Rime随Tma的变化率较大,当Tma〈-11.48℃时,Rime随Tma的变化率较小,前者是后者的3.59倍.总之,雾凇能部分补偿雪面蒸发造成的积雪量减少,间接地保护了浅薄的地表积雪,是古尔班通古特沙漠冬季极重要的生态水文学过程.
In this study,yields of rime at twig and crown scales were observed at the southeastern edge of the Gurbantonggut Desert,China.Based on vegetation investigation,the rime yield at community scale was calculated,and then the relationship between rime yield and meteorological factors was analyzed.The result revealed that at twig scale,the rime yield of Haloxylon persicum is 1.5 times of that of H.ammodendron,but at the crown and community scales,the rime yields of the latter are 1.5 and 3.6 times of the former,respectively.These differences are resulted from the differences in twig diameter,growth location,shape of crown and relative population density between the two species.It is also revealed that the fog event results from stable snow cover,low wind speed,temperature vertical inversion and the high relative humidity.Among the daily meteorological parameters,daily maximum air temperature(Tmax) has the largest correlation coefficient(r=0.916,P=0.001) with the rime yield at community scale(Rime).Together with the minimum daily specific humidity(qmi),a binary linear regression equation was built,which could explain 98.50% of the total variation of rime.It is also found that the rime yield changes with Tmax sharply as Tmax higher than-11.48 ℃,and slowly as Tmax lower than-11.48 ℃.In a word,rime could offset the loss of snow due to sublimation,and is an important eco-hydrological process during winter snow-covered period in Gurbantonggut Desert.