通过分析新装环在其邻近环施工过程中钢筋的量测数据,得出覆土范围在8~10 m内的浅埋段新装管片在盾构施工过程中主筋和分布筋的应力变化规律和原因:邻近环推进时盾构反推力对管片受力影响不明显,主要影响来自于同步注浆,管片左右45°及135°处附近的位置在邻近环注浆过程中受力变化明显。
After analyzing the measured data of the reinforcement stresses in newly installed shield ttmnel segments during shield driving on the section with 8 to 10m overburdens, authors revealed the reason of stress variations ha main and distr~ution reinforcement bars of the segments. Shield reverse thrusts had little effect on the stresses, while synchronous grouting had great influence. Stresses in the region included from 45% left to 135% right changed significantly during grouting in the adjacent segment ring. As a result, the pressures and stress redistribution must be rationally regulated to avoid fracture in the segments.