To investigate the effect of temperature on the growth, food intake, food conversion and en- ergy budget of red and green variant of Apostichopus japonicus, juvenile sea cucumber (initial body weight red variant (5.62±0. 12)g, green variant (5.39±0. 09)g) were cultured at 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 for 60 days. The result showed that temperature significantly affected the growth of both color va- riants (P〈0. 05). Both variants obtained the maximum specific growth rate (SGR) at a temperature range from 16 to 20℃ (green variant at 15.8℃, red variant at 18. 6℃) due to higher FI and FCE (P〈.05). Green variant had faster growth rate than red color variant at 8℃ (P〈0.05), indicating that green variant is more adaptive to slightly lower water temperature. Lower oxygen consumption rate (OCR) at appropriate temperatures was helpful for higher FCE, which also attributed to higher growth rate (P〈0. 05). At 16℃, red and green variant of A. japonicus deposited very less average energy budget for growth, and the energy loss through feces and energy for respiration accounted for the major- ity of assimilation energy. At 8℃, red variant deposited even minus energy for growth, indicating 〈8℃ is too low for red variant to grow. The result clearly showed that optimum temperature for farming green and red variant of A. japonicus, ranged from 16 to 20℃.