结合佛山市的来水条件,以佛山市降水量、马口和三水过境水量作为衡量佛山市来水的指标,通过云模型综合评价佛山市近30 a的来水状况。结果表明:佛山市来水情况总体上来说较为丰沛,但各年来水状况差异较大。在过去的33 a中,来水情况多的年份仅3 a,占9.1%。若以2011年作为现状年,则佛山市来水条件不太乐观,这不仅与佛山市当年降水量较少相关,且与马口、三水的过境水量较少密切相关。
Combined with precipitation of Foshan city, taken the makou and Sanshui station runoff as water measure index, watercondition is evaluated by cloud model in recent 30 years of Foshan city. The results show that: Water resource of Foshan city isabundant, but annual inflow varies... In the past 33 years, only 3 years with large inflow accounte for 9. 1%. If the current yearwas in 2011, water condition is not so optimistic in Foshan city, because it is related to the precipitation and transit water.