Electron confinement efficiency generally characterized by average primary electron commemem length is one of the most important parameter that reflects the discharge performance of direct current ring-cusp ion thruster. For the design of ion thruster the chamber length-diameter ratio and magnet separation are key parameters that influence the magnetic field and sequentially effect electron confinement efficiency. The criterion for optimal confinement efficiency is the value that keeps the primary electrons in the discharge chamber for the longest time. A computer code was developed and utilized to study the motion of primary electrons in a two-dimensional, axisym- metric discharge chamber of an ion engine. Maxwell equations were solved to determine the magnetic field and the equations of motion were solved to determine the trajectory of the primary electrons and average primary electron confinement length. Parametric effect of length-diameter ratio and magnet separation on primary electron confine- ment were studied using the code. Summarized in this paper were comments on tales of thumb for magnetic separation and length-diameter ratio considering the primary electron confinement only.