Ryu Deukgong (1748-1870) was the prominent poet in the late Joseon period. His given names were Huifeng, Huifu, also known as Lengzhai, Lengan, Geshanglou. He visi- ted China with the diplomatic corps three times in 1778, 1790, and 1801, and edited sever- al poetry anthologies, among which, Poems of Meditation on the 21 Capitals and Collec- tions of Lengzhai were so popular in Qing Dynasty that he became the most outstanding Korean poet in China. He made friends with Ji Yun and Chen Zhan by poem exchange. Luo Pin, the famous painter and poet, presented Ryu his poems and paintings, and Ryu returned poems to express his affection. Scholars such as Pan Tingjun, Li Tiaoyuan thought highly of his creation in Works of the Four Korean Poets. Ryu Deukgong was in contact with about 100 scholars of Qing Dynasty and contributed greatly to the poem exchange be- tween China and Korea during the middle of Qing Dynasty.