According to Liye Qin slips, in the Qin dynasty Qiangling County had three grain sources:land rent, output of public land,import from other counties. Qiangling County grains expense included providing and loan two kinds, the objects of providing contained officials and clerks, garrison soldiers, criminals an dtheir infants and other dependents, the object of loan was primarily garrison soldiers. In comparison to land rent income, annual expending on grain ration of officials and clerks and criminals were enormous. Main institutions for distributing grains included: Granaries (Cang), the Director of Works (Sikong), the Office of Agriculrtue (Tianguan), Wei, Qiling township and Erchun township. They were conditioned by eaters' affiliation and working area. Officials on certain positions were responsible for grain distribution usually were aided by Bingren, at least some of Bingren were from criminals even female criminals.