Maintaining fairness and equity on resource distribution is essential in preserving social concordance. Fairness can be inter-preted as being equal in distributions, in consequences or in probabilities. For instance, fairness is present when two individuals do notdiffer in their right to an object, and both will receive equal benefits from it. Since a good appreciation of both the mental and emotionalstates people leads to better use of socially situated reasoning, having a comprehensive understanding of emotional recognition (which isa fundamental skill to many social processes and of Theory - of - Mind (ToM) ) and an ability to recognize self - other mental states canenhance our understanding of reasons behind human fair allocation and decision making. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neuro-development disorders characterized by encumbrance in ToM development, which involved impairments in their fair decision - making.Although young ASD children display knowledge and expressions of simple emotions, the high function ASD population often desire toengage in social - emotional interactions with peers, eventually they will be less likely in exhibiting response to social emotions, whichdeteriorates due to older ASD children's and adults' degenerated performance on emotional recognition tasks. Therefore, it is importantto examine the role of ToM and emotion recognition in ASD children through empirical approaches. Using the Ultimatum Game ( UG),an economical experiment game in which two participants interact and allocate a quantity of resources ; the first player proposes a divi-sion for the reserve, and the second player can either choose to accept ( getting the share) or to reject ( neither player obtains anything)the proposition. We investigated the relationship between ToM, self - other emotional recognition and decision making among 29 ASD,30 developmental disability, 30 intelligence matched and 27 age matched children. The participants will act as an accepter or a distribu-tor int