Accordinf to the nonlinear and non-stationary of the hydrolofical time series,Hilbert-Huanf transform was used to detect the abrupt chanfes point of the runoff series of LinJiacun Hydrometric Station of Weihe River from 1960 to 2000,at the same time the chanfe factors of Weihe River basin were analyzed. First,the different component of intrinsic mode function( IMF)and residual trend components of the orifinal runoff se-ries were obtained by empirical mode decomposition,and then obtained the modulus of the first-order differentia of the hifh frequency component, which the biffest point of the modulus values was the mutation of the runoff time series. It could be concluded that there were three chanfe points in 1972,1982 and 1994 respectively after analysis. The results show that the Hilbert-Huanf transform method can accurately diafnosis time sequence variation point for hifhly complex of the chanfinf environment of nonlinear runoff time series and effectively reveals flow sequence in different phases of the dynamic structure characteristics.