前言 皖南拥有长江中下游最重要的铜矿带之一,迄今在当地发现的采矿、冶炼遗址数量众多,年代普遍在西周至唐宋时期,但当地出土的先秦时期青铜器风格各异,冶炼遗址与青铜器之间的关系尚不明了。安徽地区时代已知最早的青铜器为1972年在安徽中部肥西县馆驿大墩孜二里头文化晚期遗址中出土的单扉棱铜铃Ⅲ和弦纹翠㈦。
The Shigudun Site in Tongling County, Anhui Province is a bronze workshop site with smelting and casting procedures excavated archaeologically. Through the analyses to the remains and relics of bronze smelting and casting of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, we can understand the technical characteristics and dates of these remains and relics and preliminarily speculate that the nature of this bronze workshop site might be different from that of the official workshops in the Central Plains, which provided systematic and scientific materials for further understanding the development of the early metallurgy in China and the situation of its production organization.