Urbanization is the process by which human activities and production factors shift from rural areas to urban areas. The result is that cities and towns become the locations of not only settlement and material consumption, but also other functions such as environmental pollution. Within an ecosystem, there are three types of consumption or utilization of natural resources: direct, indirect and induced. The amount of material use and environmental input for cities and towns follows the pattern of direct 〈 indirect 〈 induced. This forms an inverse pyramid structure, in contrast with the pyramid structure of a natural ecosystem. Land, as an essential resource factor, plays a key role in urbanization at a city and national scale. For an urban ecosystem, direct land-use is the city's actual built-up area, indirect land-use includes the area used for food production to support the city's residents, and induced land-use includes the areas which provide environmental services such as the provision of safe drinking water and protection of air quality. This paper uses the countr/es of China, England and the US and the cities of London, New York and Shanghai to demonstrate, using integrated input-output analysis, that the total land-use pattern for urban growth at both the national level and city level is in the structure of an inverse pyramid. This finding implies that the land-resource base necessary for the evolution of a modern city is far beyond the boundaries of the city itself.