Using 159 cultivars of apple as samples,relationships among taste,titrable acids(Ta), soluble solid(sSSo),soluble sugar(sSSu),soluble solids/titrable acid(sSSo/Ta),and soluble sugar/titrable acids(SSu/Ta) of fresh apple juice were investigated,and the suitable quantitative evaluation indices for taste of fresh juice and their grading standards were established. The results denoted that:Taste value (Tv),Ta,SSo,SSu,SSo/Ta,and SSu/Ta of fresh apple juice had different dispersion,their coefficient of variation were between 12.2% and 60.7%;Both Ta and SSo of fresh apple juice distributed normally, SSu also distributed normally after 2 cultivars were removed,while Tv distributed near normally;Among Tv,Ta,SSo/Ta,and SSu/Ta of fresh apple juice,there were highly significant simple linear equations or power functions with coefficient of determination up to 0.8811–0.9740;Ta,SSo/Ta,and SSu/Ta were all suitable quantitative evaluation indices for taste of fresh apple juice,among which Ta is the most handy and accurate one;Ta,SSo/Ta,and SSu/Ta of fresh apple juice were all divided into 5 grades(the corresponding taste of fresh apple juice were respectively sweet,sour-sweet,sour-sweet moderately, sweet-sour,and sour),and the average cultivar ratio of the 5 grades were 3.35%,20.55%,40.67%, 22.64%,and 12.79%,respectively.