蛇莓跳甲Altica fragariae(Nakane)是一种寡食性昆虫,在北京地区世代重叠现象明显,1年可发生2—3代,以成虫越冬,越冬时有明显的群集行为。蛇莓跳甲幼虫共3个龄期。在实验室条件下(光照:黑暗=16:8,25℃),蛇莓跳甲卵期为7~9d,平均7.57d;从幼虫孵出开始到羽化需要20~24d,其中雄虫平均需要21.31d,雌虫平均需要21.73d,羽化率为79%,羽化后5.7d可达到性成熟,开始交配、产卵。
Altica fragariae (Nakane) is an oligophagous species of flea beetle. This species usually completed two or three generations per year in Beijing with distinct generation overlap. The beetle overwintered by adults in soil with noticeable aggregation behaviour. There are three instars in larval stages. Laboratory observation (16:8 LD and 25℃)showed that the developmental time of eggs was 7 - 9 days ( mean = 7.57) and the developmental time of immature stages (the number of days from hatching to adult eclosion) was 20 - 24 days (mean = 21.31 ). The eclosion rate was about 79 %. Newly emerged females became sexually active and begin to oviposit after 5 - 7 days.