Aiming at the shortcomings of sporadic task low energy scheduling algrithm with resoure- constration, a sporadic tasks low energy scheduling algorithm with resource-constrainted based on rate monotonic (RM) scheme was proposed . First, a double priority scheduling algorithm based on RM scheme (RM/DPP) was proposed, which modified the concept of the priority and used the idea of the preemption threshold. Moreover, the necessary condition of scheduling feasibility for the RM/DPP al- gorithm was given. Then, for energy efficiency, the sporadic tasks low energy scheduling algorithm with resources constraints (STLPSARC) based on the RM/DPP algorithm was proposed. Further- more, the necessary condition of scheduling feasibility for the STLPSARC algorithm was given. Fi- nally, an experiment was used to evaluate the performance of the STLPSARC algorithm. The experi- mental results show that the STLPSARC algorithm can reduce the energy consumption by 65.03% than the RM/DPP algorithm.