选择川中丘陵区和三峡地区四川盐亭、南充和重庆开县的4个小流域,采集塘库沉积泥沙^137Cs样品,确定了1963年以来塘库淤沙量,并据此分析了流域输沙模数和侵蚀模数.研究表明,开县春秋沟的淤沙模数最高,为1869t·km^-2·a^-1;盐亭武家沟和集流沟分别为701t·km^-2,a^-1和710 t·km^-2·a^-1;南充天马湾沟为566 t·km^-2·a^-1.对小流域地貌特征的分析和谷地水田取样结果表明,除塘库淤积区外,各小流域谷地内基本无泥沙淤积.因此,除南充天马湾沟按现有水面面积作为淤积面积求算的淤沙模数明显偏小外,其他小流域的塘库淤沙模数基本可以表征各研究小流域的侵蚀模数.对研究小流域侵蚀产沙影响因素的分析表明,除降雨和土地利用状况外,地形起伏、土壤抗蚀性及岩层产状也是三地侵蚀程度差异的重要原因.
There are a huge number of small reservoirs and ponds with quite high deposition rates in the hilly Sichuan Basin and the Three Gorges Region. Four small catchments with a drainage area of less than 1km^2 each in Yanting and Nanchong of Sichuan Province and Kaixian of Chongqing were selected for this study. Incremental samples of sediment deposit profiles for ^137Cs dating were collected in the four ponds to estimate the deposition volumes since 1963, and to analyse the specific sediment yields and the average erosion rates of those catchments. The highest specific sediment yields for deposition in the ponds is 1869 t·km^-2·a^-1 for the Chunqiu Gully in Kaixian, and 701 t·km^-2·a^-1 and 710 t·km^-2·a^-1 for Wujia and Jiliu gullies in Yanting, respectively. The yield in the pond is about 566 t·km^-2·a^-1 for the Tianmawan Gully in Nanehong. Being small drainage areas, the four study catchments have little valley areas and relatively high channel gradients. The ^137Cs distribution depths are close to the plough depth of 25 cm in the paddy field of the Tianmawan Gully. As the original valley areas above the dam in the three catchments in Yanting and Kaixian were predominantly occupied by ponds, little sediment has accumulated in the upstream valley of the ponds since the dam construction in the 1950s. The small gullies on slopes above the valleys are steep and the bedrock bottoms of the gullies indicate no sediment accumulation occurring there. The sediment delivery ratio should be close to 1 for the slopes. By the above analyses of the topographic characteristics and the ^137 Cs depth distribution in paddy fields of the valleys, no significant sediment accumulation occurs in the valley areas of the study catchments. So it is reasonable to use the specific sediment yields for deposition in ponds to represent the specific sediment yield and soil erosion rate of the study catchments excluding the Tianmawan Gully in Nanehong where the current water surface area of the pond used for estimating the yield is under