The distribution of substance P in the brain of Nipponia nippon was investigated by use of immunohisto- chemical methods, and the gray density of numerical value was measured with the image processing system. 1 )The sub- stance P labeled terminal and cells were distributed in the auditory center such as the rico, superior olivary nucleus (SO), nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis (VLV), the shell regions of mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis (MLd shell), the nucleus ovoidalis shell (Or shell) et al; 2)In the vocal control nuclei such as the nucleus hypoglossi, pars tracheosyringealis (nXIIts), nucleus dorsalis medialis (DM) and the nucleus intercollicularis (ICo), dorsolateral nucle- us of the anterior thalamus (DLM), AiV of Nipponia nippon. 3)In the endocrine nuclei such as nucleus ventromedialis hypothalamic (VMN), nucleus lateralis hypothalamic (LHy), nucleus preopticus anteror (POA) et al; The results indicate that substance P may play an important physiological role in the auditory-vocal-endocrine hypothalamic axis.