本文采用AutoCAD VBA二次开发技术,实现了地表移动观测数据处理、成图自动一体化。克服了传统方法成图只能查看、不易定量分析的缺点;在输出下沉、倾斜、曲率、水平移动、水平变形计算结果的同时,将各移动变形曲线和对应的地下煤层开采情况按一定比例尺在CAD中成图。可实现从图中曲线上直接量取任意点的对应值;较方便地从图中求取地表移动盆地各角量、距离参数;有利于直观分析开采沉陷对地表的影响。
AutoCAD VBA secondary development technique was used to realize the mining area surface movement observation data fast processing and automatic mapping in this paper.This way could overcome traditional methods' shortcomings which only make the ma Pfor watching,but not for quantitative analysis.The values of surface subsidence,surface tilt,surface curvature,surface displacement and surface deformation were calculated.At the same time each curve and the underground coal mining condition were drawn in AutoCAD with certain proportion.In the AutoCAD form,any point's value can be taken,and angle parameters and distance parameters of the subsidence basin can be easily measured and marked.All of the above could make the visual description on the surface movement convenient and immediate.