Cash holdings level will affect credit ratings, and significantly affect the financing costs of corporate bonds. Therefore the companies have excess cash holdings motivation for credit ratings purpose. Selecting the A - share listed companies which issued corporate bonds during 2007 -2013 as research sample, this paper used multi -valued response and OLS regression model to verify the relationships among capital structure adjustments, credit ratings and financing costs of corporate bonds. From the empirical results, we found after controlling the normal cash holdings, the excess cash holdings was also proportionally positive to the issuing companies' initial credit rat- ing. These results suggested that rating agencies' decisions were vulnerable to the behavior of targeted financial in- dicators adjustment by issuing companies. Then, we tested the market reaction, and found a significant negative correlation between corporate bond financing costs and credit ratings. Considering the interaction with the Cash Holdings policy and the credit rating, and after identifying the company' s excess cash holdings, market participants will require higher bond yields to compensate for the increased risk of default, and the interaction will weaken the influence of the appropriate rating on the company' s debt financing costs.