SNR is an important standard to measure the quality of seismic data and it plays an important role in seismic data processing and interpretation. Traditional SNR estimation just works for the whole seismic profile which cannot indicate the local characteristics of data. In this paper, we propose a local SNR estimation method based on regularization. Local SNR method uses conjugate-gradient iterative inversion with regularization to find the optimal solution of local SNR. The parameters in regularization operator can control the smoothness of the local SNR at different data location. To obtain the signal, we propose the cascading estimation method based on "over-filtering". Local SNR estimation measures signal characteristics not instantaneously at each signal point but locally in the neighborhood of each point. Meanwhile, it can reduce the influence of global noise to local SNR. Local SNR estimation produces a visual and accurate SNR image. Moreover, it can also evaluate the denoising result. Synthetic model and real data tests show that local SNR estimation method is able to accurately indicate the local SNR characteristics and provides a visual judgment for the assessment of seismic data.