"花玉"是小型西瓜杂交一代新品种,2010年5月通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定。该品种早熟,植株生长势和抗病性中强,易坐果,果实高圆形至椭圆形,果皮光滑,表皮绿色布墨绿细条带,果肉大红,肉质松脆,口感好,种籽褐色、小籽,果皮薄,单瓜重2.3~3.0 kg,中心含糖量11%左右,果实发育期28~30 d。适宜在广西南宁、桂林等地推广。
Huayu is a new small watermelon F1 hybrid cultivar.It is early maturing. Its growth and disease resistance is middle strong. Fruit-setting is excellent. The fruit is long-round or oval in shape. Its smooth skin is green with dark green longitudinal stripes. It has thin peel,red and crispy flesh, small and brown seeds.The mass of single melon is 2.3-3.0 kg.The center sugar content of the fruit is about 11%.The fruit maturing stage is 28-30 days.