愤怒标定理论从演化的视角解释人类愤怒,认为其是演化而来的神经计算系统的表达,其产生主要依赖于他人针对自己设定的利益权衡比(welfare trade-off ratio,WTR),当他人针对自己的WTR低于预期时,个体就会产生愤怒。它同时认为愤怒包括损失和"侮辱"两种触发刺激,而针对不同的刺激个体会采用不同的反应模式,近来的相关研究已经为该理论提供了一定的证据支持,但个体表征他人针对自己的WTR平衡点问题还有待进一步研究。同时,进一步纳入社会性因素、采用计算机模拟愤怒演化以及将共情这种特质性变量纳入框架将是该理论未来进一步完善的可能方向。
The recalibrational theory of anger is a theoretical model used to explain human anger from an evolutionary perspective.It hypothesizes that anger is the expression of a neuro-computational system deriving from evolution.According to this theory,whether anger would be triggered depends on the welfare tradeoff ratio (WTR) one holds towards us.When the WTR one holds towards us is lower than expected,our anger system would be triggered.Once anger is triggered,the detection system will send "anger signals"to the receivers as negotiative tools to bargain for a higher WTR.Moreover,the triggering stimuli of anger includes the costs others inflict on us and the "insult"we receive.Recent empirical studies have provided partial support for the theory.However,how one mentally sets the equilibrium point of WTR that others should hold on oneself is still unclear.Future studies would benefit from infusing social factors as well as trait empathy into the model,and studying the processes of anger evolution by computer simulations.