研究了东稻2号在不同播量条件下的秧苗素质,以及在盐碱地大田种植、人工插秧条件下不同播量对水稻产量的影响。结果表明:不同播种量对秧苗的生长发育状况影响显著,随着播种量的增加,秧苗素质下降,每盘播量50,80,100,120 g明显优于150 g与200 g,秧苗个体生长良好,素质较高。随着播种量的增加,产量呈现先升后降的趋势,最高产量的播种量为每盘80 g(500 g/m2),平均为5 284.7 kg/hm2,比其他处理分别高出9.9%,6.1%,9.8%,16.1%,14%。
Seeding quality and yields of DongDao2 in the Saline-Sodic were investigated respectively. The resuhs showed that different rate of seeds affected seedling quality significantly. With seeds rate increased, seedling quality declined. 50,80,100,120 g seeds rate per seedling tray was significantly better than 150 g and 200 g,whose see 80 dlings grew well and had higher quality. Yields rose at first and then decreased with the increasing of seeds rate. g (500 g/m2) seeds rate per seedling tray had the maximum yields of 5 284.7 kg/ha,which was 9.9% ,6.1%, 9.8%, 16.1% and 14% higher than 50,100,120,150,200 g respectively.