为了解松鼠取食核桃的规律以及松鼠危害核桃所造成的损失,采用全事件记录法收集松鼠取食核桃数据并对200核桃种植户进行了访查。结果显示,取食核桃的松鼠有赤腹松鼠、红颊长吻松鼠和巨松鼠,其中赤腹松鼠的危害最严重。为了守护核桃,研究地的种植户经常猎杀松鼠,因此,赤腹松鼠取食核桃时表现出了明显的反捕食行为,取食核桃的时间与取食高度正相关。研究地松鼠造成的核桃损失率达12.20%,监测的51棵核桃树核桃损失率与核桃树到自然林距离负相关。访问调查150 hm2的核桃林因松鼠造成的经济损失达10万元之多。为了减少松鼠对核桃的危害,建议种植户不要一味追求核桃种植面积最大化,而是要加强管理;同时根据松鼠活动规律,采取科学的防护措施。
In order to understand the foraging behavior of squirrels on walnut trees and walnuts damaged caused by squirrels, this paper collected foraging data using all-occurrence method and interviewed 200 walnut farmers to estimate walnut damages after walnut harvesting. The results showed that, three species of squirrel (Dremomys rufigenis, Ratufa bicolor and Callosciurus erythraeus) fed on and damaged the walnuts. Among them, C. erythraeus caused the most server damage. In order to keep walnut away from damage, farmers chose to kill squirrels in the study site. Consequently, squirrels showed anti-predation behavior during foraging on walnut trees. A significant positive relation was found between feeding time length and feeding height. The squirrels damaged 12.20% walnuts in the study site. The damage rates of 51 walnut trees were negatively correlated with the distance between the walnut tree and the boundary of the natural forests. Based on our interviews, it is estimated that squirrels caused RMB 100 000 losses in 150 hm2 walnut farms. In order to reduce economical loss, this paper suggested that farmers should strengthen management rather than expanding the planted area blind, and then take more scientific and effective protective actions based on the feeding behavior of squirrels.