为提高有源电力滤波器(active power filter,APF)的补偿性能和动态响应,提出一种基于多同步旋转坐标的谐波电流控制策略,采用通过与某指定次正序或负序谐波角速度同步的旋转坐标变换,将该指定次谐波变为直流量,实现指定次谐波的检测和PI控制,从而实现对某指定次谐波电流的无静差补偿。完整的谐波电流控制器由多个独立不同角速度的谐波电流控制器叠加组成。建立了APF在谐波旋转坐标系下的数学模型,提出一种简单的电流耦合解耦策略。对指定次谐波电流控制器进行分析,从理论上证明了与传统的电流环控制方法相比,指定次谐波控制可提高补偿精度,并利用零极点对消方法对控制器参数进行了设计。实验结果验证了所提控制策略的优越性。
To improve the compensation characteristic and dynamic response of three-phase shunt active power filter (APF), a novel control strategy was proposed based on multiple synchronous rotating reference coordinates. Positive-sequence and negative-sequence harmonic current were both transformed into DC components by respective harmonic synchronous rotating transformation, which were controlled by proportion-integral (PI) regulators in order to implement zero steady-state error compensation. The complete harmonic current control was realized as the superposition of all individual harmonic controllers. Mathematical model was built based on the harmonic synchronous rotating frame and the combined decoupling control Theoretical analysis of harmonic strategy was proposed current controller proves that the compensation accuracy is improved compared to the traditional current control of APE The proposed controller is designed based on the pole-zero cancellation technique. The superiority of the control architecture proposed is verified completely by experimental results.