Based on motion-picture industry of agglomeration in western developed countries is Hollywood, evolution of cultural industrial discussed. Since the early 20th century, Hollywood has passed through four stages, which is the time of emergences, golden time, transitional period and new Hollywood. The evolution of Hollywood, the emergence and de- cline of vertical integration and the development of vertical disintegration of motion-picture production, were all included in these four stages. The rise of satellite production district of Hollywood since 1980s, such as Vancouver, the relation of "core" and "periphery" of motion-picture production in Hollywood was set out in the era of globalization. The evolu- tion of motion-picture industrial agglomeration of Hollywood can give us the inspirations as following: the developing prospects of vertical disintegration in cultural industrial production, paying more attention to the development of small enterprises, distinguishing between cooperation and controlling, paying more attention to the hub of creative cities.