实时竞价(real-time bidding,RTB)是大数据和计算广告技术相互融合而产生的精准广告投放与售卖模式,实现了互联网广告市场由购买"媒体"和"广告位"到购买"目标人群"的模式演进。本文介绍了新兴RTB市场的发展现状、关键参与者和投放流程,并在文献分析的基础上重点讨论了投标行为分析与投放策略优化、广告库存定价与渠道分配、商业模式与交易机制设计以及市场细分与投放效果分析等领域的热点问题。最后总结了RTB市场实践中亟待研究跟进的若干问题。
Real-Time Bidding (RTB) is an emerging and promising business model for computational advertising in the age of Internet big data. Based on analysis of massive amounts of data generated by Internet users, RTB advertising has the potential of identifying in real-time the features and interests of target audiences of each impression, and automatically delivering advertisements via auction based programmatic buying mechanism. RTB has significantly changed Internet advertising from the traditional way of "media buying" and "advertisement-slot buying" to "target- audience buying", and is expected to be the standard selling model for Internet advertising in future. In this paper, we discussed the current situation of RTB market, its key participants and business processes. We also addressed several research topics including bidding behavior and strategies, yield management and optimal pricing, business model and trading mechanism design, as well as RTB market segmentation and advertising effect analysis.