在日本东京大学CRIB次级束装置上,用长气体靶开展了22Na+α共振散射的厚靶实验研究。针对长气体靶实验中的两体运动学重构问题,提出了一套包括构建空间复杂几何关系、计算能量损失以及反应运动学的逐事件分析方法;对22Na+α共振散射的实验数据进行了重构分析,得到了Ec.m.=4.2~5.4 Me V区间22Na(α,α)的激发函数,从实验的激发函数中观测到了复合核26Al 5个较为明显的共振峰。鉴于26Alα共振态的衰变模式比较复杂,本工作发现的26Al新共振态的能级性质有待进一步的理论分析。
The22Na + α resonant scattering is studied via a conventional thick target inverse kinematic method with an extended gas target. A data analysis method is proposed for the two-body reaction kinematic reconstruction, in which the spatial geometry, the reaction kinematics and the energy losses are considered. The experimental data of22Na+α resonant scattering have been thus reconstructed, and the excitation function is obtained in the energy interval of Ec.m. = 4.2 ~ 5.4 Me V. Five resonant states in26 Al are observed in the experimental excitation function. Since several decay modes coexist for the observed26 Al resonant states, multi-channel theoretical analysis is thus needed to reveal their structure and decay features.