As a result of the discovery of the family of graphs,including the cycle Cp,path Ps and star graph K1,q,a new family of graphs have been defined and denoted by Hn(Cp,Ps,K1,q).These new family of graphs are formed in the order of n=p+q+s-1,which are obtained by identifying one pendant vertex of Ps with any vertex of Cp and the other pendant vertex of Ps with the center of K1,q.First,when s=2,there existed an L-cospectral mate graph.Next,by using the properties of Laplacian spectrum of a bipartite graph and adjacency spectrum of its line graph,it was proven that for s≥3 and when p is an even,the graph Hn(Cp,Ps,K1,q) should be determined by its Laplacian spectrum.