The TiO_2 based diluted magnetic semiconductors(DMSs) have aroused the considerable interest as one of the promising candidates for the spintronic devices accommodating both charge and spin of electrons in a single substance.Unfortunately, however, throughout most of the published papers, the question how to clearly elucidate the role of defects which may be played in the experimentally observed room temperature ferromagnetism(RTFM) remains open,especially after a new concept of d~0 ferromagnetism. In such a case, to further understand this issue and also to explore the origin of the RTFM in rutile TiO_2, we here first perform a first principles calculation on the magnetic properties of the intrinsic defects, namely oxygen vacancy(V_O), Ti vacancy(V_(Ti)), Ti interstitial(Ti_(in)), oxygen interstitial(O_(in))and two complex defects of V_O+ O_(in) and V_(Ti)+Ti_(in). Combining the density functional theory and the Perdew-BurkeErnzerhof functional of the generalized gradient approximation, we calculate various model structures of rutile TiO_2 constituted by 48-atom 2 × 2 × 2 supercell. The cutoff energies in these calculations of the planewave basis are all set to be 340 eV and the Monkhorst-Pack scheme k points are set to be 3 × 3 × 4 for an irreducible Brillouin zone. The convergence threshold for self-consistent field iteration is 0.1455 × 10~(-6) eV /atom. Structural relaxation is taken into account in each of all calculations. It is found that each defect we created in the structure leads to a lattice expansion and that the positive value for spin up and the negative value for spin down of the density of states(DOS) of the structure without defect are symmetric, suggesting that the perfect rutile TiO_2 lattice is nonferromagnetic. For the system with one V_O, the total energy of the spin-polarized system is 200 meV lower than that of the non-spin-polarized system,which indicates ferromagnetic behavior in this system. The defect brings in an impur