Based on variahle curvature creep age forming test device, tile effects of the aging time. aging temperature and elastic prc-defommtion radius on the age-reinforced 212,1 aluminum alloy creel) age springback were studied, and the influence of pure bending and lateral force bending on springhack of pieces was compared, and springhack prediction model was established through muhiple regresskm analysis, which was verified hy experiments. The results show that. in the same lest condition, the springhack under tilt' pure bending was larger than the transverse bending, which showed thai the influence of the flexural deformation mode on springhack coukl not be ignored. Regression model on the springhack prediction resuhs coincided with experimental results, and the maximum deviation was less than 9. 62~. which verified the feasibility of the springl)ack prediction model.