It is the fundamental guarantee of project success that timely deploying the right person to the right post and effec-tively completing a specific task. As the project is temporary and unique, the goals of“come timely”and“work effectively”of human resource allocation in enterprise multi-project management are often not fully achieved,which can lead to the prob-lems,such as“delay”and“inefficient allocation”,etc. To solve the above problems,the paper introduces knowledge man-agement theory into project human resource management,verifies the level of knowledge reuse has a positive role in promoting the efficiency of project human resource allocation,and proves that staff competence and corporate cultural synergy bring about a positive mediating effect on the above relationship. It makes suggestions on how to improve the efficiency of human resource al-location from the perspective of increasing the level of knowledge reuse,and provides a new way of thinking for optimal human resource allocation in enterprise multi-project management.