Research Professor Zhao Huanting has been engaged in scientific researches on earth science and marine science for 60 years. Being a college student, he learned from Prof. Zeng Zhaoxuan about the knowledge of geology and geomorphology and the methods of field investigation. As a researcher, he is diligent in field work and committed to innovation. In recent years, Zhao Huanting continues to participate in several national key science consulting projects and science-technology research. He published the books of Coral reefs in the west bank of Xuwen in Guangdong Province and served as the editor in chief of Receiving the Nansha Islands-the papers ofZhuo Zhenxiong and Mai Yunyu, while writing some academic papers and books. He also finished some research papers about coral reefs on the formation mechanism, the morphological model, the fresh-water lens in lime-sand islands and building of artificial islands. Zhao was awarded the Guangdong Provincial and National Prizes for progress in Science and Technology, respectively, in 2012 and 2014.