A mass of low-intermediate level radioactive waste will be produced during NPP decommissioning. At the stage of design and operation of NPP,studying and computing the amount of the low-intermediate level radioactive waste of decommissioning will help the owner of NPP to plan the low-intermediate level radioactive waste disposal field as soon as possible,and to evaluate the fund which will be used to dispose the radioactive waste. This paper proposed the methods of analogy and statistics to compute the amount of low-intermediate level radioactive waste, and compared with the amount of low-intermediate level radioactive waste of Trojan NPP and E PR ,and using the method of analogy to compute the amount of low-intermediate level radioactive waste of single CPR1000 NPP. Ac-cording to the analysis,about 8000m3 low-intermediate level radioactive waste will be produced during decommis-sioning of CPR1000 NPP.