Based on the geomagnetic models of J. Bloxham & A. Jackson (BJ) and the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), the distribution and time-variation of the geomagnetic total energy and its northern,eastern and vertical components as to that of non-dipole field in the Earth's interior have been investigated for 1690~2000a. The results show that the total energy of geomagnetic field beyond the Earth's core and the surface and its northern and vertical components are continually decreasing, moreover, the vertical component responsible for 64% of the geomagnetic energy plays a main role on the contribution to total energy; And the energy of the eastern component is mostly increased with time-variation. A period of 56 years mainly produced by the dipole magnetic field is existed in the changing rate of geomagnetic power. The transition from decreasing to increasing for the power of the non - dipole magnetic field beyond the core appeared on the year 1770a, 40 years later than that beyond the surface. The timevariation of geomagnetic energy shows that the dipole energy gradually drops in the Earth's interior while goes up for the non-dipole energy and more quickly at CMB nearby; and the depth of the interface with equal change amount for r the dipole and non-dipole magnetic energy is 3780km to the core. The fact that the non-dipole 'inagnetic energy attenuation is faster than that of the dipole field indicates that there is a deeper field resource for the dipole magnetic field compared with the non-dipole magnetic field.