The Doppler wind lidar was deployed at Beijing Meteorological Observatory from March to April, 2011 and April to May, 2013, respectively. Laser radar observational case using a modified differential zero crossing method shows a good agreement with radiosonde measurements. The statistic analysis of 167 Zenith-pointing lidar profiles indicates that the averaged frequency of cloud occurrence is 62. 9%, which single-layer, two-layer, and three-layer clouds account for 34.1%, 16.2%, and 6. 6% of all profiles, respectively. Low, middle, high and deep convective clouds account for 30.2 %, 51.4 %, 17.3 %, and 1.1% of all cloud observations, respectively. The cloud-base height, cloud-top height, and cloud thickness for all clouds are 4.26, 4.99, and 0.73 km, respectively. The occurrence frequency of single-layer cloud is the highest. Among the multi-layer clouds, the thickness of upper level clouds is the thickest, which has same magnitude as the thickness of single-layer clouds during spring in Beijing. Lidar observations are compared with the radiosonde for 61 matched profiles. The validations of the synchronous measurements show that the corresponding correlation coefficients of the cloud-base height and the cloud-top height from the lidar and the radiosonde are 0.86 and 0.83, respectively, and the root mean square deviation are 1.31 km and 1.74 km, respectively. The cloud-base heights from the radiosonde appear systematically higher than those from the lidar.