The contents of toxic metal Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu, and Cd were investigated by sampling the topsoil(0-20 era) from suburb croplands in Jinchang city, and the possible origination of pollutants speculated. The resutts indicated that the metals studied had obvious accumulation in suburb cropland. The geometric mean concentrations of Cu and Ni were higher than the critical value of second grade in national soil environmental quality standards, but the levels of others lower than the standards(GB15618--1995 ). The eorrelation analysis indicated that there were markedly significant positive correlations between Cu and Ni, and between Pb and Cd. As for Pb and Ni, there existed nicely significant negative correlations, and the same with Pb and Cu. The results from factor analysis suggested that Cu and Ni in the soils studied were mainly originated from industrial and mining activities ; and agricultural activities had the largest impact on the accumulation of Zn, Cd, and Ph. The potential ecological risk assessment showed that the risks of Pb and Zn were on a low level, but Cd, Cu, and Ni existed different degrees of risk. The order of potential ecologieal risk was Cd〉Cu〉Ni〉Pb〉Zn.