This study applied the integrated assessment model named CIECIA. In CIECIA, a process technological progress mechanism driven by knowledge capital accumulation based on R&D investment is built to realize the endogenous of process technological progress including energy efficiency technological progress. Based on this model, this study simulated the impact of R&D on the economic devel- opments and carbon emissions, assessing their effectiveness on their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) and global climate mitigation targets. The results indicate that China, Russia, India and the developed countries except US and EU would meettheir INDC targets by improving R&I) rates, whereas most of developing countries that occupy more than 50 percent of global carbon e- missions in future would fail because of higher carbon emission demands and lower process technological levels, which would result in the global climate mitigation target failing in those scenarios. Policy for R&D investment could improve economy of a country, and it can be integrated with other measures of emission reduction that may cause economic losses, to improve the feasibility of emission reduction policies.