对山西平朔矿区本溪组担水沟灰岩(C2’)进行醋酸处理,在残渣中发现了相当丰富的海参骨片化石,计13属27种(其中5新种3未定种),1属种不定。这些化石具有筛盘状、车轮状、台盘状、钩状、十字形、勺状和锚形的骨片。所发现的5个新种是:筛盘状的Eocaudina cudgela,E.encentrica和E.thicka;台盘状的Priscopedatus lowspires;十字形的Tetravirga asymmetrica。通过与国内外同时期海参骨片化石的对比,结合牙形刺化石组合,初步认为该动物群时代属于莫斯科期(Moscovian)。这一发现对完善华北该时期海参骨片化石生物地层序列及煤系沉积环境的研究有一定的理论和实际意义。
More than 250 specimens of discrete holothurian sclerites have been extracted from acetic acid residues in the Danshuigou limestone(C2 -1 ) of Benxi Formation from Pingshuo Mining Area, Shanxi Province and 27 species in 13 genera (including 5 new species,3 indeterminate species), 1 genus and species indeterminate of holothurian sclerites are recognized. They are made up of the sclerites of different types, namely sieve plate, wheel, table, hooks, tetrara- diate, ladle, and anchor. Five new specigs are represented by the sieve-type sclerites (Eocaudina encentrica sp. nov. , E. cudgela sp. nov. and E. thicka sp. nov. ) table-type sclerite (Priscopedatus lowspires sp. nov. ) and tetra- radiate-type sclerite (Tetravirga asyrnmetrica sp. nov. ). Compared with those contemporaneous faunas in other parts of the world,most of the holothurian sclerites should be of the Moscovian in age. This discovery has greatly contributed to the holothurian sclerites biostratigraphic sequence in North China and researching of the coal-seam sedimentary environment.