在单轴压力下,高分子导电复合材料的电阻具有明显的压力依赖性,呈现压阻(Piezoresistivity)行为.根据R-σ关系,可将电阻(R)对外界压应力(σ)刺激的复杂响应分为两种类型,即电阻负压力系数(Negative pressure coefficient of resistance,NPCR)效应和电阻正压力系数(Positive pressure coeffcient of resistance,PPCR)效应.当基体模量较低时,σ可导致复合材料微观结构发生变化,从而改变宏观力学性能与导电性能.这些特性成功地应用于接触控制开关、应力(压力)传感器和机器手等方面.高分子导电复合材料的导电性不仅与环境温度及机械应力等有关,还受导电填料种类及含量、热处理、交联等的影响.聚甲基乙烯基硅氧烷(PMVS)是一种常用硅橡胶,其炭黑(CB)复合硫化体系具有明显的压阻行为.
The effect of crosslinking degree on the piezoresistive behavior of carbon black (CB) filled poly (methyl vinyl siloxane) (PMVS) vulcanites under uni'axial compression was studied. The results reveal that increasing the amount of crosslinking agent could weaken the negative pressure coefficient of resistance (NPCR) effect at the late stage of compression and enhance the piezoresistivity intensity at a high stresses. The recovery property of resistance was related to the content of CB, the stress level and the degree of crosslinking. It was proved that repeated compression with the same maximum stress level could improve piezoresistive stability considerably.