【摘要】 随着网络信息爆炸式的增长,搜索引擎成为人们首选的获取信息的主要途径。能否在搜索引擎的排名中占有比较靠前的位置,将在一定程度上决定网页的访问量。一些网站并不是通过提高网页质量来提高其在搜索引擎中的排名,而是根据搜索引擎自身的特点,采用欺骗手段来提高排名,这就是网页作弊。网页作弊是搜索引擎面临的重大挑战之一。本文将结合常见的网页作弊的方法,阐述当前已经存在的比较有效的反作弊技术。
With the increase of Web information,search engines have become the principal approach to information retrieval.The accessing of a page is basically decided by its ranking in search engines.Some sites boost their page ranking without improving the quality of the pages,but deceive the search engines according to its characteristic,which is called Web Spam.Web spam is one of the challenges of search engines.Valid anti-spam techniques are presented with an introduction of common Web spam.