Six tidal flat sections in Yangtze estuary were selected as typical sampling sites in summer, using acetylene inhibition technique, to study the denitrification in tidal flat sediment. The results indicate that nitrous oxide (N2O) production rate is very low in the water, and the intertidal flat sediment is the source of the water N2O during the submerging period and N2O comes from several progress of the nitrogen cycle. Sediment N2O natural production rate is between 0. 10 -8.50μmol/(m^2· h), and the denitrification rate changes from 21.91-35.87μmol/(m^2·h). During the ebb tide, in situ static closed chamber method was used in Chongrning (CM) tidal flat to measure the N2O flux through sediment-atmosphere interface. Middle tidal flat is the source of atmosphere N2O (exchange flux between -11.03- 13. 17μmol/(m^2·h). The ground temperature between the depth of 5- 10 cm is the significant effect factors controlling the emission flux. N2O emission flux in low tidal flat-atmosphere interface is from - 5.75 to 0. 49μmol/(m^2·h). On the whole, the middle tidal flat is the source of air N2O, while the low tidal flat adsorbs air N2O obviously. Photosynthesis of tidal flat plant (Scirpus mariqueter and benthonic alga)inhibits the emission of N2O and induces the consumption of atmosphere N2O. And the respiration of tidal flat plant enhances N2O emission from intertidal flat. N2O emission and absorption through intertidal flat-atmosphere interface has a significant positive correlation to the emission and absorption of CO2.