As the number of server system nodes and user tasks increases unceasingly, conflict of storm nodes occurs. Un- der this background, the MooseFS detector used for detecting multi-collision storm nodes in servers was designed and implement- ed based on the analysis of the node connection architecture of the server system and the deployment of the detector on the com- munication platform of the server system. When many conflicts exist in storm nodes, the dynamic redundancy distribution strate- gy and hardware platform are used for the MooseFS detector to execute collaborative detection. When not many conflicts exist, only hardware is used for detection. In the dynamic redundancy distribution strategy, redundancy measurement task node over- head is selected, and the availability functions of storm node subtasks, bandwidth, and CPU running time are given to detect the redundancy reliability. On the hardware platform, the logic gate processor is used to measure subtasks, bandwidth, CPU run- ning time and load rate of storage capacity. The experimental results show that the designed MooseFS detector has strong re- source control capability.