Tumor microenvironment is a complex three-dimensional environment involved in the occurrence and metastasis of tumor cells. Ceils are mostly grown in two-dimensional culture plate or petri dish in traditional in vitro researches, which is lack of the complex and dynamic cell-cell communication and cell-ma- trix interaction during cancer metastasis. It is difficult to reflect the essential feature of tumor tissue, clarify the mechanism of cancer metastasis fundamentally, and limit the applicability to accurately test the pharmacolog- ical action. In order to illustrate the feature of primary tumor microenvironment, various biomimetically engi- neered three-dimensional tumor models have been developed in experimental and clinical researches, in which tumor stromal cells, relevant matrix components, and biochemical and biophysical cues are incorporated into one spatially and temporally integrated system. In this study, the construction and application of diversified engineered three-dimensional tumor are reviewed.