Current researches on organizational netw orks m ostly focus on the static a sp e c t, analyzing the role of netw orkstructures and netw ork contents in enterprise innovation. Little attention has been draw n to the study of the dynam ic organizationalnetw orks, such as the generation and developm ent of the organizational netw orks, the m aintenance and the die of theorganizational netw orks,etc. B ased on review ing existing literatures of the dynam ic organizational netw orks, this p ap er findsth a t: ( 1 ) em phasized the im portance of dynam ic organizational netw orks re se arc h ; ( 2 ) m ainly introduced the basic paradigmof dynam ic netw ork re se arc h ; ( 3 ) pointed out the progresses, trends and lim itations of the existing studies. A nd itprovides prospective ideas for future research.