The purpose of this work is to solve the problem of microblog part-of-speech(POS)tagging.POS tagging of Chinese new word is a difficult,important and widely-studied sequence modeling problem.This paper describes a hybrid model that combines a rule-based model with linear-chain conditional random fields(CRFs)and Bayes algorithm for the task of POS tagging of Microblog unknown words.Firstly,microblog data are obtained by using Sina API and web spider.According to the features of microblog,a rule-based method is presented to reduce the impact of noisy data in POS tagging.Then,since CRFs has an advantage in feature extraction of POS tagging,it is used to obtain initial POS tags of microblog new words.We also present a probabilistic POS tagging method,which further improves performances.Homophonic words account for a large proportion of microblog new words.Because the pronunciation between homophonic words and its original words are similar or identical,Chinese Phonetic Alphabet is used to buildthe bridge between them.And the bridge is built by using Naive Bayes algorithm.Evaluation on microblog test set shows that this system could tag the new words of microblog in a better way,the best precision it achieves is95.23%.