采用经典分类学方法,对1987-2015年采自新疆地区的400余份真藓科植物标本进行了整理和鉴定。结果发现:新疆分布有真藓科植物5属37种,其中3种为新记录种,即尖叶短月藓(Brachymenium acuminatum Harv.)、拟纤枝真藓(Bryum petelotii Thér.&Henr.)和下延真藓(Bryum weigelii Biehler)。该文对此3个新记录种的重点识别特征、生境、地理分布及其与相近种的特征比较作了阐述,并绘制了基本形态特征墨线图。凭证标本存放于河北师范大学植物标本室(HBNU)。
Using classical taxonomic method, we identified about 400 specimens of Bryaceae collected in Xinjiang from 1987 to 2015. The result shows that 37 taxa of five genera of Bryaceae were identified. Among the identified taxa, three species, Brachymeniurn acuminatum Harv. , Bryum petelotii Ther. & Henr. , and Bryum weigelii Biehler, were newly recorded species in Xinjiang. The taxonomic features, habitat, geographical distribution and characteristic comparison of related species are described. Mean- while, ink drawing of the new recorded species was made. The specimens were deposited in the herbarium of Hebei Normal University (HBNU).