在2006.7—2007.12期间,采用SYBR Green I染色-荧光显微直接计数法,对江苏沿海海域浮游病毒丰度进行了四个季度的调查,同时调查还包括细菌丰度、叶绿素a浓度。浮游病毒水平分布呈现中间高,两侧低。苏北浅滩海域病毒含量最高,最高值为47.90×106个/mL;吕泗海域最低,最低值为0.03×106个/mL。季节变化表现为冬季最高,夏季次之,春秋季相当。垂直分布也变现为明显的季节变化,除秋季外,表层浮游病毒丰度高于底层水体。浮游病毒与细菌丰度比(VBR)为0.30—180.08,平均为18.35。春季浮游病毒与叶绿素a、细菌之间均存在较强的相关性,相关系数分别为0.79和0.74(P〈0.01);而在秋季,浮游病毒只与细菌有较强的相关性(r=0.79,P〈0.01),这说明不同季节,浮游病毒的主要宿主会发生变化。
Viruses are recognized as ubiquitous and numerically abundant components of marine ecosystems.To study the spatiotemporal distribution and seasonal variation of virioplankton and bacterioplankton,the relationship among virioplankton,bacterioplankton and Chl-a in the coastal waters of Jiangsu,four cruises of oceanographic survey were conducted in July and December,2006 and April and October 2007.Virioplankton and bacterioplankton were stained with SYBR Green I and analysised by epifluorescence microscopy,and Chl-a was analysised by TD-700 fluorescence analyser.The highest virioplankton abundance was 47.90×106/mL occurred along shoal of north of Jiangsu,the lowest was 0.03×106/mL occurred in Lüsi waters,and the highest value was more 1000 times than the lowest.The average abundance of virioplankton was the highest in winter,higher in summer,and the lowest in spring and autumn.Horizontal distribution showed the virioplankton abundance was higher in the central section of coastal of Jiangsu than in two sides.Meanwhile,it got decreasing along the vertical shore direction.Vertical distribution also showed temporal variations,and there were higher abundance in surface water than in bottom in spring,summer and autumn.The virus-bacteria abundance ratio(VBR) was 0.30—180.08,on average was 18.35,the highest VBR occurred in winter,and the lowest in spring.Seasonally,the average VBR was summer(28.82) 〉winter(20.41)〉 autumn(12.89) 〉spring(11.26).VBR was explained the relationship between viruses and prokaryote cells(bacteria).The coefficient between VBR and bacterioplankton was negative correlation,and the correlation coefficient was –0.19,–0.42 and –0.39(P0.05) in spring,summer and autumn.However,there was no clear correlation in winter.Otherwise,the correlation between VBR and bacterioplankton could not be indicator as hosts bacterial diversity in Jiangsu coastal area,although it was believed to be common in open sea.Strong relationship existed between virioplankton and Chl-a,viri